This is where we will keep you updated on our galavanting around South America.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Adios 2006

Another year as come to an end and Joel and I are hard pressed to remember everything we have been so lucky to do. Starting 2006 in Darwin seems like another world away and everything we have seen and learnt since makes us feel like different people.

Learning the Spanish language (though poorly) is just the beginning, matched with learning about the geography, history and politics of each country we visit- which is so deep and complex we can only scratch the surface. Then there are the people. The warm smiles of locals, the grubby faced children on the streets, the other travellers on their own quest for a taste of South America, it is all these people we meet that have brought life to our experiences and taught us things about life that we just can`t learn at home.

We will be spending the end of the year at the end of the world- Ushuaia. The most southerly city on earth. So as we come into the New Year we look forward to visitng new countries, spending more time on beaches and less time on mountains and gradually prepare ourselves for working again- but this time in the UK.

We hope 2006 brought you many joys and that 2007 holds many more for you.
Happy New Year.
Some pictures from our travels this year...


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