This is where we will keep you updated on our galavanting around South America.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Having a Whale of a Time!

Why is the steak so tender and rich in Argentina? Speaking to other travellers they would tell you that all the cattle feed on fresh grass or that when the cow is killed it is beaten before hand and they are the reasons. Whatever the cause for the soft meat it is the best I have ever had and at around $1 for a big eye fillet or $5 to eat out I am the one who is jumping over the moon, with joy that is!

After an unreal time in Bariloche of feasting on steak, chocolate, wine and a few days of snowboarding some fresh spring powder we headed to the warmer coastal town of Puerto Madryn. It is from here that we took an excursion to Peninsula Valdes to see the Southern Right Whales. And whales we did see!

Large adults suspending their tales for minutes on end. Calves with too much energy breeching out of the water and crashing back down again, while mum opted to relax by floating on her back extending her huge pectoral fins into the air. It was a photographers heaven.

At one stage we had 8 mothers and calves between 1 and 40 metres from our boat. Quite possibly we could have leaned over the edge and patted these beautifully peaceful creatures. However, that doesn´t comply with Ecotourism so this along with the fact you can never be sure how a 15 metre in length animal weighing 45 tonnes will react once touched was enough to keep our hand in the boat.

God bless the relaxed laws of South America allowing us to get so close to these amazing creatures of the sea. In all honesty though the whales were as equally as curious of us as we of them and I saw no sign of stress. Another memorable experience for us both.

Not to be left out we saw elephant seals on one of the near by beaches. Also currently in mating season the large males (can grow to 6 metres and weigh 4 tonnes) fight to own a stretch of beach and therefore the right to mate with any females on that stretch . We witnessed one male chasing off another whom was trying to steal a few women. It was actually quite funny as they have to move like a caterpillar or slug as they weigh so much. After about two to three slug rolls they flop on their bellies to rest for 30 seconds then continue the chase. Its like a slow motion fight scene. Seeing these big boys move you can´t help but feel for the pups that may end up squashed.


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