This is where we will keep you updated on our galavanting around South America.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Down But Not Out

This was written on the on the same day it happened so the blood was still pumping pretty fast. Its part of the parcel when travelling though South America!

While sitting in a Park at 11:30am soaking up the spring sun and enjoying the noval I was reading 4 blokes came up to me and asked for some small change and water. I was sitting there minding our backpacks while Katie was posting a parcel before we were to head to Uruaguy.
Then it all happen. One guy went behind me and pinned my shoulders down. The others were yelling at me to give them my small backpack. I politely told them to F&%k Off! One of the fellas then grabbed my right hand while one grabbed my throat and stuck a knife or broken bottle to my neck. The other arse hole stabbed me in the right leg below the knee. They quickly gabbed my wallett and small bad containing my i-pod, English passport, camera and 2 films (I´m gutted about that), and some cash. I started chasing them, with blood pissing from my leg, as I was pretty mad by this stage. They headed into a plaza with heaps of people and I decided to not persue them as the two big backpacks were left alone in the park and there was a chance they could have got taken as well. Katie returned to find people around me trying to offer help. My leg was cut bad so I wraped it up with a bandage my St Johns instructure would have been proud of. It was still bleeding quite badly so we went to emergency where I had 7 stitches and lots of needles.

Katie was a little shaken up but has been looking after me better than I could expect and I´m certainly accepting the sympathy. Wish I had of caught one of those punks as the adrenaline was pumping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your a soft poof !!! Katie dont look after him to well , he does not deserve it ....they got away ! all jokes aside , thats not good mate . hope your ok and be careful cos i intend to take you out when you guys get here ! Paul Russell

4:30 AM

Blogger Sydney Kate said...

Reminds me somewhat of the bonding handbag incident with Katie and I at the Ark in Darwin ... can only imagine what effect a combined theft and assault would have on you ... I hope your love of Argentina wasn't totally damaged by this invasive experience !

Thinking of you guys and wishing you safer adventures, Kate x

6:48 AM

Blogger Rannveig Magnúsdóttir said...

Thats terrible news, its bad enough to get robbed but injured as well :( Me and my mates got robbed at a hostel in Broome and they took much of my valuables, the only thing that i am still bummed about are the 2 films I lost. The films contained most of my trip in Kakadu NP, I got some copies from my friends but its just not the same.
Getting injured is still worse though and I wish you a speedie recovery and a happy and safe journey.

+++ Rannveig

9:04 AM


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