This is where we will keep you updated on our galavanting around South America.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Worlds Most Dangerous Road

We have mountain biked on the most dangerous road in the world! Covered in mud we descended from 4700m to 1200m dodging trucks and all the time trying not to go off the edge. In true Bolivian style we stopped for lunch next to a monument of a backpacker that had come off the edge and died. Thanks for the confidence guide! It truly is the most dangerous road in the world as the track is steep and there are many bus and truck wrecks whom have come off the side.

If mountain biking wasn´t enough we caught a bus for 18hrs 230km (that's slow going Hirsch I know your pretty average at Maths) on the same road. Because the road is so thin the outside vehicle is the one that has to give way if two vehicles are approaching. While doing this our back tyres went off the edge. A few of us yelled out stop to the driver. We didn´t want to become part of the wreckage art work below. I was told not to lean out the window as that may even tip the bus. The things you do for that prefect photo.


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