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Friday, September 01, 2006

AMAZON - Pampa

The Pampa was surprisingly reminiscent of the wetlands of Kakadu, as crocodiles line the shores and similar bird species fly around. The major differences however on these flat river systems are the pink dolphins, monkeys and capibaras- massive guineapigs. Oh, and the pirhanas. We were a little apprehensive to go swimming with the dolphins after we´d seen all the croc´s and were told stories of pirhanas eating off toes, but we survived unscathed. We also went fishing for pirhanas and Joel tested their bite on his arm after much pressure from the rest of us on the boat. To say he flinched would be an understatment- he´s still sporting the scab.

The Pampa was good for wildlife, but the evidence of human impact was blinding as everything beyond the rivers edge was on fire with the land being cleared for farming.


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